Life Groups

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Contact the Midchurch office to find out how you can connect with a Life Group.


A weekly bible study and fellowship group for men, meeting Fridays 07h00-08h00 in Ministry House. All men welcome.

Chatterbox / Knitwits

These passionate Chatterbox and Knitwit knitters meet on Wednesdays in Ministry House.

Home Groups

Our Home Groups mission is to connect people relationally in small groups for the purposes of becoming more Christ-like through love, care, prayer and study.

To find out more or to join a Home Group in your area, email or call 011 568 4228.

Online Life Group

Meeting only online, this fellowship and bible study group meets Wednesdays from 19h00-20h30.

For more info or to join this group, contact the Midchurch office.

Rummikub @ midchurch

Every Friday morning, a group of keen board gamers gather in the Library @ Ministry House for a few hours of fun playing Rummikub.

The invitation is open to all, beginners or experienced players, to join in. Play starts at 09h00.

Young Adults @ midchurch

A fellowship and bible study group for Young Adults @ midchurch (ages 18 to 29), meets Thursdays from 18h30-20h00 in Ministry House.

If you want more info or would like to join in, contact the Midchurch office.

Want to talk to us?